Pilates at Ambassador Pilates Studio brings you closer to knowing, understanding and applying the system of exercises that shapes the Pilates Method, going beyond the repetition of choreographed exercises
The Studio: Private Studio Lessons
Each session is attended by Verónica. She is guiding the workout, knowing and valuing the starting point of each individual, designing the class to the needs and characteristics of each body, using the Method and the exercise system on the different devices. Verónica will try to keep you involved in your own training and practice, learning process with a great contribution of body awareness, knowledge and motivation.

Virtual Studio
These sessions are also 100% guided and touching with words because accessibility and closeness don´t depend on physical distance. Following the same philosophy as the Studio f2f classes, you can continue your Pilates practice or continuing education, if you are also a teacher, training with Verónica from wherever you are. Veronica will maintain full attention in your practice and process. These are not Livestream sessions where you follow the exercises that the teacher performs (there is another section designed for that).
You will feel accompanied and guided with the exercises that adjust to your moment and progress, creating a space for listening to the body.

Class designed for Pilates teachers who want to train in a group. Each week a topic of lesson is proposed. These virtual classes are practice sessions but there will also be cases where Verónica stops the session to focus on some important aspect to explain some details from the different bodies. They are sessions and tutorials of great learning value where you can broaden your perspective on practice and at the same time incorporate new teaching tools and skills. The energy created in these sessions goes beyond the screen!

These non-regular sessions will be announced on the calendar and social media so that you can sign up and join the live practice with Verónica. Don´t miss the experience! The recording will be available, you can get it through your membership.

International teaching
- November 2024, Patagonia (Argentina) and Guadalajara (Mexico).
- March 2025, Córdoba and La Plata (Argentina).
- June 2025, Spain multi-city: Murcia, Seville, Vigo.
- June 2025, Rennes and Strasbourg (France).
- June 2025, Sao Paulo (Brazil).
- July 2025, Recife (Brazil)
- September 2025, Bangkok (Thailand)
If you are interested in International Teaching Events, please contact me here

LEGACY® Equipment

Sponsored by LEGACY® Pilates Apparatus
Studio equipped with LEGACY®. Traditional Pilates equipment to develop a safe and quality practice according to the objectives of each exercise. As well as knowing and properly using the system exercises that will accompany the progress and development of the clients’ potential.

Pilates Ambassador Story

Pilates Ambassador Studio opens its doors in 2017 in the city of Valencia (Spain). More than a space created for the practice of Classic Pilates, fully equipped with traditional Pilates equipment. the purpose was and continues to be to bring knowledge of the Pilates Method and its practice, responsibility for the health of each individual, thus creating a philosophy of life where The movement of the body and mind takes on special relevance in people’s lives.
Since 2022, Pilates Ambassador Studio has been based in Melbourne (Australia) where it also operates online, being accessible to the entire Pilates community and world.
Practicing Pilates at Pilates Ambassador (whether in the studio or online) brings you closer to the knowledge, understanding and application of the system of exercises that make up the Pilates Method, going beyond practice through repetition and choreography of exercises.

The Founder

The purpose of Veronica´s Studio lives up to its name “Ambassador”: feeling in a place that represents the values of Pilates: movement, well-being and realizing our capabilities.
In her trayectory, she has gone from athlete to mind-body interpreter. After 5 years of university studies, she obtained a degree in Psychology at the University of Valencia, Spain. Practically her entire life she has been linked to the movement (mind-body) also with a high-level sports career as a Gymnast. After her retirement from competition, Veronica became certified as a Coach by the Royal Spanish Gymnastics Federation to lead and develop gymnasts.
Contrary to what is common, her retirement as an athlete was not due to injury; she perfectly remembers the moment when her head said: it´s time to focus on helping others. She never liked to compete, in fact she states that after leaving the competition she continued training hard by herself and this period was when she had the most fun and felt more athletic than ever. That is the reason she loves Pilates, from her point of view in Pilates there is no competition, all her energy as a teacher is directed towards the well-being and physical and personal development of people.
Involved in Classic Pilates since 2010, Veronica certified at Pilatistic Old School Pilates (Barcelona, Spain) having successfully completed the “Teachers’ Proficiency Pilates Program”.
Her curiosity and passion for the Method led her to leave her office job and deepen her learning attending workshops by Kathi Ross-Nass, Brooke Siler, Lori Coleman Brown, Peter Fiasca, Inelia García, Dorothee Vande Walle, Chris Robinson, Sandy Shimoda among others.
Every experience and knowledge she learned during these stages is reflected in her way of working and communicating the Method. She is a firm believer in mind-body training to achieve the access of the full potential of the clients. Veronica simply considers herself your guide on the Pilates journey.
Veronica’s favorite quote:
Everyone can be a sculptor of their brain, if they put their will and commitment into it”.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Nobel Prize in Medicine, 1906